I looked at a lot of grep stuff, but could not determine the problem. I would appreciate a suggestion to where the syntax is in error. Xinput set-prop $id 'Generate Key Events' 0 Xinput set-prop $id 'Generate Mouse Events' 0 Ids=$(xinput list | grep $NAME | grep -o -e 'id=.' | xargs | sed 's/id=//g')Įcho 'Disabling Mouse/Key events for ID $id' I substitute the name of my controller the script generates the error: 'grep: PPM: No such file or directory' Now I want to adopt the script code in post #36 in the link. ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 id=8 ⎜ ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 id=10 ⎜ ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 id=9 WAILLY PPM is my controller (and in this case its id =12, but it has also been xinput list In this case, the line 'WAILLY PPM id=12
1st I run xinput list per below to obtain the controller name. However, as noted by post #36 in the link, the option numbers can change with each boot, thus to facilitate disabling, a script is in order that can be launched when necessary. I have successfully disabled per post #34 in the following link:
I am working towards disabling mouse emulation of USB rc plane controller when the controller is plugged in, it interferes with the mouse pointer.